// lightview - 21-12-2008 // copyright (c) 2008 nick stakenburg (http://www.nickstakenburg.com) // // licensed under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-no derivative works 3.0 unported license // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ // more information on this project: // http://www.nickstakenburg.com/projects/lightview/ var lightview = { version: '', // configuration options: { backgroundcolor: '#fff', // background color of the view border: 20, // size of the border buttons: { opacity: { // opacity of inner buttons disabled: 0.4, normal: 0.75, hover: 1 }, side: { display: true }, // toggle side buttons innerpreviousnext: { display: true }, // toggle the inner previous and next button slideshow: { display: true }, // toggle slideshow button topclose: { side: 'right' } // 'right' or 'left' }, controller: { // the controller is used on sets backgroundcolor: '#ddd', border: 6, buttons: { innerpreviousnext: true, side: false }, margin: 18, opacity: 0.7, radius: 6, setnumbertemplate: '#{position} / #{total}' }, cyclic: true, // makes galleries cyclic, no end/begin images: 'images/', // the directory of the images, from this file imgnumbertemplate: '#{position} / #{total}', // want a different language? change it here keyboard: true, // toggle keyboard buttons menubarpadding: 6, // space between menubar and content in px overlay: { // overlay background: '#000', // background color, mac firefox & mac safari use overlay.png close: true, opacity: 0.75, display: true }, preloadhover: false, // preload images on mouseover radius: 12, // corner radius of the border removetitles: true, // set to false if you want to keep title attributes intact resizeduration: 0.45, // the duration of the resize effect in seconds slideshowdelay: 5, // delay in seconds before showing the next slide titlesplit: '::', // the characters you want to split title with transition: function(pos) { // or your own transition return ((pos/=0.5) < 1 ? 0.5 * math.pow(pos, 4) : -0.5 * ((pos-=2) * math.pow(pos,3) - 2)); }, viewport: true, // stay within the viewport, true is recommended zindex: 99999, // zindex of #lightview, #overlay is this -1 startdimensions: { // dimensions lightview starts at width: 100, height: 100 }, closedimensions: { // modify if you've changed the close button images large: { width: 77, height: 22 }, small: { width: 25, height: 22 } }, sidedimensions: { // modify if you've changed the side button images width: 16, height: 22 }, defaultoptions : { // default options for each type of view image: { menubar: 'bottom', closebutton: 'large' }, gallery: { menubar: 'bottom', closebutton: 'large' }, ajax: { width: 640, height: 360, menubar: 'bottom', closebutton: 'large', overflow: 'auto' }, iframe: { width: 640, height: 360, autosize: true, menubar: 'top', scrolling: true, closebutton: 'small' }, inline: { width: 640, height: 360, menubar: 'bottom', closebutton: 'large', overflow: 'auto' }, flash: { width: 400, height: 300, menubar: 'bottom', closebutton: 'large' }, quicktime: { width: 480, height: 220, autoplay: true, controls: true, closebutton: 'large' } } }, classids: { quicktime: 'clsid:02bf25d5-8c17-4b23-bc80-d3488abddc6b', flash: 'clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' }, codebases: { quicktime: 'http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab#version=7,5,5,0', flash: 'http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,115,0' }, errors: { requiresplugin: "
please download and install the required plugin from: